Service | Fee for Service Price (up to) |
Full Delivery | $5,440.00 |
Recognition of Prior Learning | $3,000.00 |
Applicants may be eligible for VET in Schools Program (VETiS) Funding. |
Applicants may be eligible for User Choice Funding (Apprenticeship and Traineeship Funding), with reduced pricing listed in the table below. |
User Choice Funding Fee Table
DTET User Choice
Qualifications Student co-contribution fee (Non-Concessional) Student co-contribution fee (Concessional) AHC20416 Certificate II in Horticulture $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour AHC20422 Certificate II in Horticulture $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour AHC20919 Certificate II in Sports Turf Management $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour AHC31021 Certificate III in Parks and Gardens $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour CPC30320 Certificate III in Concreting $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour CPC30720 Certificate III in Rigging $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour CPC30920 Certificate III in Scaffolding $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour CPC31120 Certificate III in Steelfixing $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour RII20720 Certificate II in Civil Construction $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour RII30920 Certificate III in Civil Construction (Streams 1,2,3,4) $1.60 per nominal hour $0.64 per nominal hour
HOW TO ENROLPlease contact the CSTC office and express your interest in undertaking this course. |
FURTHER INFORMATIONDownload the Student Handbook and access information on: - Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer - Fees and Charges - Payment terms and conditions (including refunds) - Complaints and appeals process - Student Support |
Transition arrangements
Please note that this training product has been superseded and is currently in transition. CSTC Pty Ltd will ensure that those enrolled/enrolling into this training product will either complete their studies before the transition date, or will be transitioned to the newer training product by the end of the transition date. Please contact CSTC Pty Ltd if further clarification is required. |